Monday, January 12, 2009

Introducing. . .

I know, the pictures are hard to make out. The one on the top measures the embryo with the egg sack underneath and the picture on the bottom shows my uterus.

Here are the stats:
1 baby
Measures right on track 6w3d
Heart Rate 126 BPM

We are so happy! I was so worried about the appointment. I know there are so many things that could have/still can go wrong. It was nice to have an easy appt. for a change.

We had to wait as Dr. G. was almost one hour late. He had an emergency right before me. Sounds like a worst nightmare come to life. The poor lady was there for her 7 1/2 week u/s after having a normal 6 week one. They knew she had a baby in her uterus, but at this appt. they found one in her tube as well. He was on the phone scheduling her surgery. Scary! He checked my tubes as thoroughly as he could. He couldn't find anything so far. He seemed a little rattled from his earlier appt. so hopefully he checked very well.

I asked him about my ovary pain and he looked at those as well. I have a couple of corpus luteum cyst on the right side and one on the left. Looks like all that estrogen is giving the ovaries a run for their money. They are pretty small and he was not concerned about them. I think this explains my pain.

I also had a fright last night. After an afternoon at the mall looking for comfortable shoes, I came home and saw pink spotting. I laid down the rest of the evening and it went away. It freaked me out. It was nice to have my appt. right after that. He couldn't see any blood pooled around the sack. He just said to take it easy and avoid intercourse (poor DH- he hasn't gotten any in a long time). He reiterated there is really nothing you can do to change the course of events, but following these suggestions make women feel like they are doing all they can. So true.

The best part of the appt. was getting to actually hear the heartbeat! I didn't know you could actually hear it so early. That made things feel a little more real. I just kept saying "That's so weird." What a mature reaction. This whole thing is so surreal. I feel like I am living someone else's life.

I pray this will continue

I am so thankful to have come this far!


Ashley said...

Congrats!! I'm so happy for you;)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures!!! How exciting.

Mary said...

She/He is beautiful:)

G said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting for you :)

Jill said...

Congrats! What wonderful news!! I'm so very happy for you...

Melody said...

I had my first U/s at 6wk and the doctor said if ANYTHING were to go wrong there was like a 98% chance that it already would have happened! I had some spotting around that time too and Bailey came out VERY healthy! Please try not to worry! Your baby (heartbeat sounds like a boy) :) Is going to be just fine! Also, you can't judge sex on heart rate and I used to hate when people would do that to me! Just relax (easier said than done). Your baby was placed inside you for a reason! He/She is going to be JUST fine! :)

Mandy said...

Absolutely beautiful! I am jealous they measured your heartbeat. Congrats!

Kami said...

Oh look how sweet!!! Congratulations honey!!


Petrucia said...

I'm so happy for you and baby!
How unsettling to hear about the other lady's situation right before your appointment...
I hope that your ovary pain subsides. :)

Shanny said...

Yay for baby's heartbeat and a good appt! I'm happy for you :)

Lost in Space said...

So glad you had such a great appointment. Congratulations on your little one!!