But luckily everything was fine.
I had my 11 week ultrasound today.
In went the dildo cam.
Then we saw. . . an empty fucking gestational sac!
Just the yolk sac and no baby!!
My last ultrasound at 9 1/2 weeks showed a decent size baby in there. I know I've had some spotting, but I also know I have not passed a fetus. I think 10 days is pretty soon to be reabsorbed by the body. I thought at worst we'd see a baby with no heartbeat that had stopped growing. I was never expecting to see this.
Where was my baby?!
I said, "Can it just disappear?" She nurse practitioner looked confused too. Finally (after zooming in on the empty sac) she kept moving the cam around and finally found the one with the baby in it! I almost died from panic. Leave it to DH to put two and two together and he asked if that could be left over from the other egg they transferred. If it could have implanted and then stopped growing. I'm convinced that's what it was. It's the only thing that makes sense. Even though no one had ever been able to see it before. The nurse should have been thinking of that option when she was in there. She knew we came from infertility. Stupid lady still seemed a little confused. She kept apologizing.
The good news is, the baby is growing on track and has a strong heartbeat. My heart was racing just as much as my baby's I'm sure. Talk about stress! It seemed so much bigger than just 10 days ago. Much more substantial than I've seen before. We had a view of the back of its head and butt. It was the best thing I had ever seen. Even if the resolution on the machine was terrible (which it was).
We go back on March 8th for a check-up. My next u/s won't be until the big 18-20 week one on April 8th. After the emotional roller coaster of today's u/s maybe it won't be so bad not to have one for awhile. . .
พระราชบัญญัติผังเมือง.กฎกระทรวง พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๐....
5 years ago
OMG, I CANNOT imagine what you must have been thinking! I'm so sorry and SO glad your baby is ok!
Whew. I almost had a heart attack just reading that! So glad all is well!
How scary! I'm sooooo glad things are ok.
OMG how frigging scary! I'm so happy everything is good and props to your Dh =)
Holy Moly! Geez - that must've been terrible. Glad everything was ok!
Holy shit, I would have died. Literally died. How scary!!!!
SO glad that everything looks great with your baby, sending wishes for him/her to keep growing big and strong!
I would of been smacking that lady!! Holy cow!!! I am so glad it turned out wonderful!!! Congrats mommy!!
How scary! I'm so glad all is still looking great. Hugs!!
OMG!!! I'm so sorry that happen!! Glad everything is okay!!
Oh my gosh, how awful! I can't believe how shocked, scared, anxious you must have felt until they found the other baby. I'm so happy things are OK!
YES! You get a deduction on the union fees. I'm not part of that though. And there's the $250 for classroom supplies.
Plus, I forgot to add that we got credit for the mileage to and from the reproductive center - which is only 5 miles one way, but still. It added up.
We're getting MORE than double for a return than we usually get. I think it would be worth the fee to have someone do it for you maybe just this year, just in case you get audited.
OMG!!! That sounds sooo scary! You were so brave. I would have passed out then and there! I am soo v v glad that your baby is growing on track!
Your instincts WILL kick in :)
Ohmygosh! I completely freaked until I read the rest of that! That's horrible you had to go through that! So glad everything is still okay!!!
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